Slokas for Kids

1. Shuklam-bharadharam Vishnum
shashivarnam chaturbhujam | Prasanna
vadanam dhyayet sarva vighnopa-shantaye ||



We meditate on Lord Ganesha – who is clad in white (representing purity), who is
all pervading (present everywhere), whose complexion is gray like that of ash (glowing
with spiritual splendor), who has four arms, who has bright countenance (depicting inner calm and happiness) and who can 
destroy all obstacles (in our spiritual and worldly path).


2.Vakrathunda Mahaakaaya Suryakoti Samaprabha Nirvignam Gurumaydeva Sarvakaryeshu Sarvada


O Elephant headed
large bodied Lord, radiant as a thousand
Suns, I ask for your grace so that this task that I am starting may complete without any hindrances.


3.Gajaananam bhoodha ghanaathi
sevitham kabhitha jamboo
palasara pakshitham umaasutham sokha
vinaasakaranam namaami vigneswara paadha



He who has the face of an elephant, one who is worshipped by the Bhooda ganam, He who eats the essence of kabitha and Jumbu fruits, He who is the son of Uma Devi and He who alliuiates the ill fellings in us. O! Lord Vigneshwara who is an embodiment of all the above, we offer our Namaskarams at your Divine feet.


Mooshika vaahana modhaha hastha Chamara karna vilambitha suthra Vamana rupa maheswara puthra Vigna vinayaga deva Namaste



He who has the mouse as the vahana, He who always keeps Modhaham (a traditional sweet made from coconut jaggery and rice that is rolled into a ball) He who has ears that resemble
a hand held fan. He who wears a chain- like ornament around his waist, He who is
short statured, He who is the son of Lord Parameshwara. O! Lord Vinayaka
who is all the above and he who always anulls all impediments, we worship you the Lord.

5.Agajaanana Padmaarkam Gajaananam Aharnisham Anekadantham Bhaktaanaam Ekadantam Upaasmahey



I worship day and night that elephant faced Lord Ganesha who is like sun to the lotus face of Mother Parvati. Giver of many boons, the single tusked Ganesh, I salute Thee to give
e a boon.


6. Sarasvatii namastubhyaM varade kaamaruupiNi .

   vidyaarambhaM karishhyaami siddhirbhavatu me sadaa.


O Goddess Saraswati, salutations to you, the giver of boons, the one who fulfills all desires. I begin my studies. May there always be accomplishments for me.


7.Yaa kundendu tushaarahaara dhavalaa

         yaa shubhra vastraavritaa

yaa veenaa varadanda manditakaraa yaa shveta padmaasanaa

yaa brahmaachyuta shankara prabhritibihi

devaih sadaa pujitaa. saa maam pattu saravatee bhagavatee nihshesha jaadyaapahaa.



Goddess Saraswati is all white like the kunda blossom,
the moon, snow, and pearl.
She is dressed in pure White. While two of Her hands play the veena, the two other hands are poised to give boons,
and award punishments as needed. She is seated on a white lotus. She is ever worshipped by all the celestials including
Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. May this Saraswati remove my obstacles and protect me.

  8. Gurur brahmaa gurur vishnuh gurur devo maheshvarah

gurur saakshaat
parabrahma tasmai shree
gurave namah.



Know the Guru to be Brahma himself.
He is Vishnu. He is also Shiva.
Know Him to be the Supreme Brahman,
and offer thy adorations unto that peerless Guru.




9. Guravey sarva lokaanaam
bishajey bhava rohinaam
Nidhaye sarva vidyanaam shree dakshinaa moorthaye namaha



Salutations to the Universal teacher,
Shree Dakshinamoorthy, who is the repository of all knowledge and who cures
the disease of Samsara.


10.Puujyaaya raaghavendraaya satya dharma rataayacha | 

Bhajataam kalpa vrukshaaya namataaM kaama dhenave ||



Salutations to the respected Shri Raghavendra Swamy, who
treads always in the path of truth and righteousness, who is like the divine
wish-full-filling tree(kalpavruksha) for one who worships him, who
is like the divine wish-full-filling cow(kamadhenu) for one who bows to him.


11.Manthas mita mukam bhojam, Mahaneya  gunarnavam, Mathura

bhashinam santham, Sarva bhoota dhayaparam, Bhakta vatsalya jalathim, paramananda vigraham, Gnananandam prapannosmi nirmala gnana sidhaye.


  12.Gnananandam priyam sishyam radha krishna stavapriyam namamridha prathatharam haridasa
sathgurum bhaje.



Ariru thadanthozh vazhga arumugam vazhga veppai kooru sei thanivel vazhga
kukkudum vazhga sevvel yeriya magnai vazhga aanai thun anangu vazhga maarila
valli vazhga vazhga seer adiyar yellam



O Lord Muruga,
We salute your 12 strong
shoulders that protect
us from our enemies, we salute your six faces, we salute your powerful weapon – the sacred
VEL – which tore the mountain KROUNJA to bring out the asura who took refuge inside it, we also salute the
sacred bird – cock – that decorates your symbol in the flag, we salute the peacock on which you go around the world ,
we salute your consort Devyani who was brought up by the white elephant Airavadam, we salute blemishless
Valli, your other consort and last but not the least we salute all your bakthas
who worship you, as a
respectful prayer.


14.Uruvai aruvai uladhai iladhai maruvai malarai maniyai oliyai
karuvai uyirai gadhiyai vidhiyai guruvai varuvai
arulvai guhaney



O! Lord Muruga you are the one with the form,
you are also one without
a form. You are the one who has it all,
and you are the one who does not have it all, you
are present in the smallest,
in the flower, in the ring of the bell, and
in the Light. You are the
embryo, you are the life, you are the destiny, and you are the fate. Please
come upon us as our Guru and bestow your blessings.


15.Shadaananam Kunkuma Rakthavarnam Mahamathim
Divya Mayoora Vaahanam Rudrasya
Soonum Sura Sainya Naatham Guham Sadhaham
Charanam Prapadye



I always take refuge in Lord Guha, who is six faced,
who’s body is colored as kunkuma, who has a great intelect,
who has the divine peacock as his vehicle, who is the son of Lord Shiva
and who is the leader of the army of the Devas.


16.Aum Trayambakam Yajaamahey Sugandhim
Pusti Vardhanam Urvaarukamiva
Bandhanaath Mrutyor Muksheeya Maamritaat



We worship the three eyed One (Lord Shiva) who is fragrant
and who nourishes all beings;
may He liberate me from death, for the sake of immortality, even as cucumber
is severed from its
bondage of the vine.


17.Brahma Muraari Suraarchita Lingam Nirmala Bhashita
Shobhita Lingam Janmaja Dukha
Vinaashaka Lingam Tat Pranamaami Sadaa Shiva Lingam



I bow before
that Sada Shiva
Linga, which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu
and other Gods, which is praised by pure and holy speeches and which destroys the cycle of births
and deaths.


18.Matha Maragatha Shyama
Mathangi Madha Shalini
Kuryath Kataksham Kalayani Kathamba Vanavasini Jaya Mathanga Thanaye Jaya Neeloth Balathuthey Jaya Sangeetha Rasikey Jaya Leela


O! Mother Mathangi who shines like
the emerald gem, O! Auspicious one who reside in the Kadamba forest, please
cast thy compassionate looks on me. Hail to the daughter
of Sage Mathanga! Hail to thee who radiate like a blue lotus! Hail to
thee who enjoys music! Hail to thee with a pet a Parrot.


19.Annapoorney Sadhapoorney Shankara
   Praana Vallabhey Gnaana
   Vairagya Sidhyartham Bikshandehicha Paarvati



Oh!Lordess Annapurani,You are always a wholesome entity;you are the most intimate consort
of the Lord of Good Deeds(i.e.Lord
Shiva). I seek your grace to attain wisdom and determination to voluntarily
abstain from satiating worldly desires.


20.Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvaartha Sadhikey
Sharanye Trayambakey Gowri Narayani Namostutey



I salute the three-eyed Divine
Mother Narayani, who brings auspiciousness and who fulfils
all the desires
of the devotee (both spiritual
and material).


 21.Shaantaakaaram bhujagashayanam padmanaabham suresham vishvaadhaaram gaganasadrisham
meghavarnam shubhaangam lakshmeekaantam
kamalanayanam yogihriddhyaanagamyam

 vande vishnum bhavabhayaharam sarvalokaikanaatham.



I bow down before Vishnu,
the Lord of all
worlds and the remover of all causes of fear.
He is of blissful form. he
lies on a serpent bed. He
sports a lotus on His navel. The Lord of the celestials. He supports the whole
cosmos. His limbs are exquisite and
His complexion is blue like that of the sky and the rain cloud. The consort of
Lakshmi. He has eyes rivalling the lotus. The yogis meditate on Him in their innermost heart.


22.Vasudeva Sutham Devam Kamsa Chanoora

      Mardhanam Devaki Paramanandham Krishnam

Vande Jagathgurum.



I bow to you O Krishna,
the Supreme Guru,
the son of Devaki and Vasudeva, the remover of Kamsa and Chanur


23.Gnaana nanda mayam devam   Nirmala spatikakrithim Aadhaaram

vidhyaa naam hayagrivam upaasmahey



We meditate upon Lord Hayagriva, who is the personification of knowldge and bliss, whose form is like a flawless crystal
and who is the basis
of all branches of learning


ramabadraaya     ramachandraaya vaydasey Raghunaadaaya naadaaya seethaaya pathaye
namo namah



My salutations to Bhagawan Sri Rama, the protector of all, one who knows all, the descendant of the Raghu dynasty, the husband of Sita
and the Bhagawan
of the entire universe.


25.Vande padmakaram prasanna
vadanam soubhagyadam bhagyadam

Hasthabyam abyapradam
maniganair nanavidhair bhooshitham Bakthashbishta palapradham

hara brahmadibihi sevitham Parsve pangaja
sanga padma nidhibir
yuktham satha shakthibihi


nayane saroja haste dhavalatharam suka gandhamalya shobe
bhagavathi hari vallabe manogye

thribhuvanakari bhoothikari praseeda



27.Bhoothanatha, sadananda, Sarva bhootha daya para, Raksha
raksha maha baho, Sasthre thubham
namo nama.



Salutations and salutations to that Sastha,
Who is the lord of all beings,
Who is perennially ever happy,
Who shows mercy
towards all beings, And I pray, Protect
me great hero


28.Mattha mathanga gamanam
karunyamrutha pooritham Sarva
vigna haram devam sastharam pranamamyaham



I salute Lord Ayyapa,
destroyer of obstacles, who has a gait of an elephant
and who is full of compassion



29.Anjaneya Madhi Paatalaananam ; Kanjanaadri Kamaneeya Vigraham; Paarijatha Tharu Moola Vaasinam; Bhaavayami Bhava mana Nandanam



I bow before the darling son of the god of wind, Who is the son of Anjana, Who is great among killers
of ogres, Who is like a golden mountain, Who is handsome
looking, And who lives near the roots of Parijatha


30.Anjana nandanam veeram janaki soka naasanam, Kapeesa
maksha hantharam , vandhe lanka bhayankaram



Salutations to the terror of Lanka, Who is heroic the son of Anjana, Who brought to an end all sorrows of Sita, Who is the king of Monkeys, and Who killed Aksha, the son of Ravana


31.Mano javam , maruda thulya vegam, Jithendriyam buddhi
matham varishtam, Vatha atmajam vanara yudha mukhyam, Sree rama dootham
sirasa namami



I bow my head and salute the emissary of Rama, Who has won over his mind, Who has similar speed as wind, Who has mastery over his organs,
Who is the greatest among knowledgeable, Who is the son of God of wind, And who is the chief in the army of monkeys.


32.Asato maa sat gamaya
tamaso maa jyotir gamaya mrityor maa amritam gamaya

           om shanthi
shanthi shanthi hari om



Om, Lead me from unreal to Real, from darkness to Light, from mortality to Immortality


33.Om Saha Naavavatu, Saha Nau Bhunaktu
Saha Viryam Karavaavahai Tejasvina Avadhita Mastu Maa Vidvishaavahai Om Shanthis, Shanthis, Shanthihi !



Om. May that protect
us both, teacher and pupil. May that cause both to enjoy the bliss of liberation. May we both exert to find out the true meaning of the scriptures. May our learning
be brilliant. May we never quarrel with each other. Om. Peace, peace, peace.


 Slokas for Daily Activities

Wake up

vasathe Lakshmi Karamadhye Saraswathi Karamoolethu Govinda
Prabhathey Karadarshanam.



The front part of the hands (the finger tips) are ascribed
to Goddess Lakshmi,
the Goddess of wealth, the middle part (the palm proper) to Goddess
Saraswati – the Goddess of learning and the root (the part of hand near the wrist) to Govinda (God). Therefore, every
morning, one should have a respectful look at one’s hand which symbolizes honest labor.


Bath Time

Gangeycha Yamunechaiva Godavari Saraswathi Narmade Sindhu Kaveri, Jalesmin
Sannithim Kuru



In this water,
I invoke the presence of holy waters
from rivers ganga, yamuna, sindhu, godhavari, narmada
and kaveri.


Food Time

brahma havih brahmaagnau brahmanaa hutam.h . brahmaiva tena gantavyam brahmakarmasamaadhinaa.



process of offering
is Brahman, the oblation is Brahman, the instrument of offering is Brahman, the fire to which the offering is made is also Brahman.
For such a one who abides in Brahman, by him alone Brahman is reached.


Bed Time

Ramaskandam Hanumantam Vainnadeyam vrigodaram Sayaneya Smarenityam Dusswappnam Tasya nasyati


Slokas at completion of Prayer

vacha manasendriyairva Budhyath manovat
Prakrithe swabhavat Karomi yat yat sakalam parasmai Shriman
Narayano yathi samarpayami.



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